This weeks free file in the silhouette Cameo store is a digital scrapbook kit. So last night I downloaded it, and figured I would give it a try. I have this wonderful wide format printer that I am not using nearly enough so I thought this would be a great way to break it in! I must say I am very impressed with the results. I would make a few minor adjustments the next time around (like printing the photo seperately- not inserting it into the template), but I can't wait to work with more kits like this.
Here is the template as it appeared on the silhouette store page. As you can see it is a bit girly, and I generally scrapbook for my two little boys. so I needed to make some modifications.
As you can see I used slightly more masculine papers and I also used simple black for many of the elements of the page. It looks a little more boy friendly. I also changed some of the sizes to work better with my photos and didn't use all of the elements of the kit because I liked it a little cleaner.
I also added a bit of glitter to some of the elements to make the layout a little more "hybrid" and not just a digital page (who says you can't use glitter on a boy page?)